Category Archives: News


Five Reasons to Suspect Jesus Never Existed

‘Most antiquities scholars think that the New Testament gospels are “mythologized history.” In other words, they think that around the start of the first century a controversial Jewish rabbi named Yeshua ben Yosef gathered a following and his life and teachings provided the seed that grew into Christianity.

At the same time, these scholars acknowledge that many Bible stories like the virgin birth, miracles, resurrection, and women at the tomb borrow and rework mythic themes that were common in the Ancient Near East, much the way that screenwriters base new movies on old familiar tropes or plot elements. In this view, a “historical Jesus” became mythologized.’

Read more: Five Reasons to Suspect Jesus Never Existed


The Head Of ‘The Central Bank Of The World’ Warns That Another Great Financial Crisis May Be Coming

The Bank For International Settlements at Night - Photo by WladyslawMost people have never heard of Jaime Caruana even though he is the head of an immensely powerful organization.  He has been serving as the General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements since 2009, and he will continue in that role until 2017.  The Bank for International Settlements is a rather boring name, and very few people realize that it is at the very core of our centrally-planned global financial system.  So when Jaime Caruana speaks, people should listen.  And the fact that he recently warned that the global financial system is currently "more fragile" in many ways than it was just prior to the collapse of Lehman Brothers should set off all sorts of alarm bells.  Speaking of the financial markets, Caruana ominously declared that "it is hard to avoid the sense of a puzzling disconnect between the markets’ buoyancy and underlying economic developments globally" and he noted that "markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent".  In other words, he is saying what I have been saying for so long.  The behavior of the financial markets has become completely divorced from economic reality, and at some point there is going to be a massive correction.

So why would the head of 'the central bank of the world' choose this moment to issue such a chilling warning?

Does he know something that the rest of us do not?

According to a recent article in the Telegraph by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Caruana is extremely concerned about rising debt levels and the current level of euphoria in the financial markets...

The world economy is just as vulnerable to a financial crisis as it was in 2007, with the added danger that debt ratios are now far higher and emerging markets have been drawn into the fire as well, the Bank for International Settlements has warned.

Jaime Caruana, head of the Swiss-based financial watchdog, said investors were ignoring the risk of monetary tightening in their voracious hunt for yield.

“Markets seem to be considering only a very narrow spectrum of potential outcomes. They have become convinced that monetary conditions will remain easy for a very long time, and may be taking more assurance than central banks wish to give,” he told The Telegraph.

Mr Caruana said the international system is in many ways more fragile than it was in the build-up to the Lehman crisis. Debt ratios in the developed economies have risen by 20 percentage points to 275pc of GDP since then.

And you know what?

Caruana is certainly correct to be warning us about these things.

As I have written about previously, the total amount of government debt in the world has grown by about 40 percent since the last recession, and the "too big to fail banks" have collectively gotten 37 percent larger since that time.

The U.S. national debt has grown from about 10 trillion dollars to more than 17.5 trillion dollars, and even the Bank for International Settlements admits that the global derivatives bubble has grown to at least 710 trillion dollars.

The massive financial imbalances that we were facing during the last crisis have not been fixed.  Instead, they have gotten much, much worse.

But should we trust the Bank for International Settlements?

Of course not.

This is a very secretive organization that very few people know about but that possesses absolutely enormous power.  The following is a brief overview of the Bank for International Settlements from one of my previous articles entitled "Who Controls The Money? An Unelected, Unaccountable Central Bank Of The World Secretly Does"...

An immensely powerful international organization that most people have never even heard of secretly controls the money supply of the entire globe.  It is called the Bank for International Settlements, and it is the central bank of central banks.  It is located in Basel, Switzerland, but it also has branches in Hong Kong and Mexico City.  It is essentially an unelected, unaccountable central bank of the world that has complete immunity from taxation and from national laws.  Even Wikipedia admits that "it is not accountable to any single national government."  The Bank for International Settlements was used to launder money for the Nazis during World War II, but these days the main purpose of the BIS is to guide and direct the centrally-planned global financial system.  Today, 58 global central banks belong to the BIS, and it has far more power over how the U.S. economy (or any other economy for that matter) will perform over the course of the next year than any politician does.  Every two months, the central bankers of the world gather in Basel for another "Global Economy Meeting".  During those meetings, decisions are made which affect every man, woman and child on the planet, and yet none of us have any say in what goes on.  The Bank for International Settlements is an organization that was founded by the global elite and it operates for the benefit of the global elite, and it is intended to be one of the key cornerstones of the emerging one world economic system.

The role that the Bank for International Settlements is playing today was envisioned by the global elite long ago.  In another previous article, I quoted from a book that Georgetown University history professor Carroll Quigley wrote in 1975 entitled "Tragedy & Hope" in which he discussed how the BIS was to one day become "the apex" of the global financial system...

[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.

And it is interesting to note that Professor Quigley was not against the system that the elite were setting up.  He was just an academic that was trying to accurately convey what he had learned about how the global system works.

Sadly, the system that Quigley wrote about all the way back in 1975 has fully blossomed today.

Every two months, the central bankers of the world travel to Switzerland for "Global Economy Meetings" in Basel.  Most people have never heard of them, but these Global Economy Meetings were actually discussed in the Wall Street Journal...

Every two months, more than a dozen bankers meet here on Sunday evenings to talk and dine on the 18th floor of a cylindrical building looking out on the Rhine.

The dinner discussions on money and economics are more than academic. At the table are the chiefs of the world's biggest central banks, representing countries that annually produce more than $51 trillion of gross domestic product, three-quarters of the world's economic output.

So how do you feel about the fact that the central bankers of the world regularly gather to plot their next moves for the global economy?

Should an unelected group of central bankers that has no accountability to any national government really have so much power?

Please feel free to share what you think by posting a comment below...



(Αξίζει να το δείτε και να το διαδώσετε.) Related posts: Φασισμός Α.Ε. (Πρεμιέρα) Την ερχόμενη Πέμπτη, 10 Απριλίου, το ντοκιμαντέρ Φασισμός Α.Ε. κάνει... Είδα το ΦΑΣΙΣΜΟΣ Α.Ε. Είδα σήμερα το μεσημέρι, σε δημοσιογραφική προβολή στον κινηματογράφο Ιντεάλ,... Επιστρέφει ο φασισμός στην Ευρώπη; Μια μεγάλη συνάντηση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Κυριακή 23 Φεβρουαρίου, στο... Related posts:

  1. Φασισμός Α.Ε. (Πρεμιέρα) Την ερχόμενη Πέμπτη, 10 Απριλίου, το ντοκιμαντέρ Φασισμός Α.Ε. κάνει...
  2. Είδα το ΦΑΣΙΣΜΟΣ Α.Ε. Είδα σήμερα το μεσημέρι, σε δημοσιογραφική προβολή στον κινηματογράφο Ιντεάλ,...
  3. Επιστρέφει ο φασισμός στην Ευρώπη; Μια μεγάλη συνάντηση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Κυριακή 23 Φεβρουαρίου, στο...


Find Your Direction With A Stick And The Sun


There are many ways to determine the direction of north-south-east-west. A compass anyone? If you ever find yourself in a jam during the day without a compass (shame on you), one way to find your direction is by simply using a stick, two small stones, and the sun.

This actually works, and I challenge you to try it yourself.

To determine the east-west line, here’s how you do it…

1. Place a stick upright into the ground.

2. Use a small stone or object to mark the initial spot on the ground at the tip of the shadow that is cast by the stick.

Find your direction with a stick and the sun, step-1

3. Wait about 15 minutes for the sun to move in the sky — actually the earth revolves creating the illusion that the sun is moving, but you know what I mean…

4. The shadow will have moved a bit (the longer time that has elapsed, the more it will have moved). Add a second mark at the tip of the shadow’s new position cast by the stick.

Find your direction with a stick and the sun, step-2

5. Place a stick, or visualize a straight line between the two marked spots. This line is your approximate east-west line. Since the sun’s shadows move from west to east during the day, the first spot where you marked the shadow will be the west end.

Find your direction with a stick and the sun, step-3

Note: The reason to wait at least 15 minutes between the 1st and 2nd mark is to establish an accurate 2nd position of the shadow. Too soon and you may not be so accurate. 15 minutes is long enough to establish a fairly accurate direction.

If you try this, you will notice that even if you wait as long as an hour or more between marks, the east-west line will remain the same direction. Only the shadow length changes based on the angle of the sun in the sky.

Find east-west with a Stick and the Sun in 15 minutes

If it sounds like it can’t possibly work, then try it yourself in your yard!

Find Your Direction With A Stick And The Sun
Modern Survival Blog


Kissinger: ‘Terrorists Are Really People That Reject the International System’

Kissinger’s definition of terrorism might surprise you.

Then again, it might be exactly what you thought it would be.

The clip below is from a 2007 AKBank convention in Instanbul, Turkey held right before the annual Bilderberg Meeting which took place there that same year. In it, former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, (as well as member of the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, and Bohemian Grove among others) Henry Kissinger can be seen giving the following speech:

In the Middle East, we live in a different world. The nations do not represent historic entities in the same sense that European nations did. Turkey of course does, and Iran in a considerable extent does. But in the region in between, the borders were drawn by the victors of World War I on the basis largely of what would facilitate their influence. So therefore, the identities of these countries, and of their borders, can be challenged more easily.

What we in America call terrorists are really groups of people that reject the international system, and they’re trying to regroup it to a radical Islamic fundamentalists kind.

Clearly Kissinger is saying that, because many Middle Eastern countries do not have what appears to be in his view the ‘historical significance’ of older countries, they are wide open for attack, regime change and re-ordering.


Only a few years later, we have witnessed the Western-backed Arab Spring, which has turned over numerous North African and Middle Eastern nations. After nearly two years of semi-covertly arming al Qaeda fighters in Syria, most recently Western support and provision of arms for Syrian Rebels (who admittedly used their own chemical weapons) are becoming public knowledge now that a mythical ‘red line’ has supposedly been crossed by Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad.

Remember how America ‘freed’ Egypt and Libya? Well Syria is wash, rinse, repeat.

On top of that, Kissinger is also saying the word “terrorist” is really someone who would reject the “international system” — a new world order. Part of that order appears to be American empire building and the spreading of our nation’s brand of “democracy” throughout the rest of the world…whether they like it or not.

How do you think someone with Kissinger’s perspective would see American patriots who reject the United Nations or central banking system? Surely, he sees them as “terrorists” as well. Further, if the State held similar views and used the “terrorist” label — which is used in this country like screaming “fire!” in a theater to circumvent the Constitution on a daily basis — such resistors to the new world order would be instantly criminalized, marginalized and marked for imprisonment or death.







Όλες οι Κεντρικές Τράπεζες παγκοσμίως ανήκουν στην οικογένεια Rothschild εκτός απο τρείς!
Το έτος 2000 υπήρχαν 7 χώρες στις οποίες η κεντρική τράπεζα δεν ελέγχοταν απο τους Ρόθτσιλντ. Αυτές ήταν:

North Korea

Στην συνέχεια είχαμε το «τρομοκρατικό» χτύπημα στους Δίδυμους Πύργους και αμέσως μετά τον πόλεμο στις χώρες αυτές. Ο πόλεμος είχε σαν αποτέλεσμα οι κεντρικές τράπεζες των χωρών αυτών να ελέγχονται πλήρως απο την οικογένεια Ρόθτσιλντ και το Παγκόσμιο Τραπεζικό τους σύστημα. Το ίδιο έγινε και στην Γιουγκοσλαβία όπου η Κεντρική Τράπεζα της χώρας δεν ελέγχοταν απο τους Ρόθτσιλντ και τους υπόλοιπους Εβραίους Διεθνείς Τραπεζίτες και έτσι εισέβαλλαν οι «δημοκράτες» κατ’εντολή των Ρόθτσιλντ.

Μετά τους δυο αυτούς πολέμους έμειναν μόνο 5 χώρες που δεν ελέγχοταν απο τους Ρόθτσιλντ:

North Korea

Όσοι έχουν ασχοληθεί γνωρίζουν πόσο γρήγορα στήθηκε η Κεντρική Τράπεζα της Βενγκάζης. Επίσης κλάπηκε και ο τεράστιος θησαυρός που υπήρχε στο θησαυροφυλάκιο της τράπεζας απο τους χρόνους του μεγάλου Αλεξάνδρου ακόμη. Μόνο 3 τράπεζες υπάρχουν πλέον που δεν ελέγχονται απο τους Ρόθτσιλντ:

North Korea

Όπως καταλαβαίνετε αυτές οι χώρες αποτελούν και τον στόχο των Ρόθτσιλντ.





Remembering Jack Kennedy

He was at odds with Pentagon commanders, CIA, most congressional members, and nearly all his advisors.

He understood his vulnerability. He paid with his life. He was favored to win reelection. Imagine if he had two full terms.

by Stephen Lendman


Killing Kennedy mattered. It changed America's direction. Things might have been different had he lived. 

November 22, 1963 remains a stain on America's legacy. It was Friday. A light rain fell. 

Kennedy spent the night at the Texas Hotel. A platform was set up outside. He came out. He made some brief remarks. 

"There are no faint hearts in Fort Worth," he said. "I appreciate your being here this morning. Mrs. Kennedy is organizing herself. It takes longer, but, of course, she looks better than we do when she does it." 

He addressed "the willingness of citizens of the United States to assume the burdens of leadership." 

His motorcade traveled to Carswell Air Force Base. He took a 13 minute flight to Dallas. Rain ended. 

The plastic bubble atop his car was left off. Lyndon and Mrs. Johnson accompanied him in a separate car.

The procession headed downtown. It wound through Dallas en route to the Trade Mart. Kennedy was scheduled to speak at a luncheon.

Crowds along the route waved. His car turned off Main Street at Dealey Plaza. It was around 12:30PM. The procession passed the Texas School Book Depository.

Gunfire was heard. Kennedy was struck. His car sped to Parkland Memorial Hospital. It was a few minutes away. It was too late. He was given his last rites. Around 1PM, he was pronounced dead.

The New York Times headlined in bold type across the top of its front page:


"Gov. Connally Shot; Mrs. Kennedy Safe"

"President is Struck Down by a Rifle Shot From Building on Motorcade Route – Johnson, Riding Behind, Is Unhurt"

Less than an hour earlier, police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald. He was a convenient patsy. He had nothing to do with killing Kennedy.

He alone remains officially blamed. The Big Lie persists. Lots of evidence refutes it.

Plato once said:

"Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught falsehoods in school."

"And the person that dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and fool."

On November 29, 1963, Lyndon Johnson established the Warren Commission. On September 24, 1964, it delivered its 888-page report.

Three days later, it released it publicly. It pronounced a bald-faced lie. It said Oswald acted alone.

It later published 26 volumes of supporting documents. They included testimonies or depositions of 552 witnesses.

Its distortions included over 3,100 exhibits. It went all out to conceal truth and full disclosure.

All records are in the National Archives. Included are unpublished reports. They're sealed until 2039.

They're no longer applicable under the 1966 Freedom of Information Act and 1992 JFK Records Act.

Nothing released ahead will change the official story. The Big Lie persists. It remain etched in stone. It's for others to challenge it.

The Commission's job was suppressing truth. It was coverup. It was stacked with insiders. They included:

  • Chief Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren
  • Senator Richard Russell (D. GA)
  • Senator John Sherman Cooper (R. KY)
  • Representative Hale Boggs (D. LA)
  • Representative Gerald Ford (R. MI)
  • former CIA director Allen Dulles, and
  • former WW II Assistant Secretary of War/World Bank president/prominent presidential advisor John J. McCloy.

Testimonies were taken in secret. Sanitized versions were published.

Peter Dale Scott coined the phrase "deep politics." It means "in every culture and society there are facts which tend to be suppressed, because of the social and psychological costs of not doing so."

Scott noted "the ability of the government to establish a guilty party or parties immediately, and the press and media consumption of that product to the exclusion of all other possibilities."

The Warren Commission's mandate was "to validate what was already decided by the FBI on the day in question."

"In Oswald's case, FBI and CIA documents described him as five feet, ten inches, weighing 165 pounds."

"But it contradicted the actual height and weight of the man picked up and charged being slightly shorter and weighing 140 pounds."

"It appears someone had already decided who was going to be charged before the police found Oswald in the Texas Theater."

He was named within 15 minutes from when Kennedy was shot. It was impossible to know that soon. The official story was bogus.

Jim Marrs book titled, "Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy" discussed a Cartha DeLoach memo. He was FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's close aide.

He said then Congressman Gerald Ford may have been the bureau's Warren Commission informant. He had close CIA ties.

It was later learned he reported to Hoover. He did so secretly. He admitted instructing the Commission to move Kennedy's back wound up several inches. A lower location disproved the single gunman theory.

A subsequent Commission report was titled "A Presidential Legacy and the Warren Commission."

It said the investigation put "certain classified and potentially damaging operations in danger of being exposed."

The CIA hid or "destroy(ed) some information, which can easily be misinterpreted as collusion in JFK's assassination."

Family spokeswoman, Penny Circle, said Ford approved the text. Before his death, he publicly said the CIA destroyed or hid critical secrets related to the killing.

He suggested a "conspiracy." He barely stopped short of admitting one. Commission conclusions were rubbish. They hid dirty truths. They were too disturbing to reveal.

Jim Fetzer has done extensive research on Kennedy's assassination. He said the following:

"The weapon Oswald is alleged to have used cannot have fired the bullets that killed JFK."

"The 'magic bullet' theory is provably untrue and was not even anatomically possible."

"JFK was hit four times – in the throat from in front, in the back from behind, and in the head from in front and behind."

"X-rays were altered. A brain was substituted, and photos and films were faked to conceal the true causes of his death."

Fetzer cited "more than 15 indications of Secret Service complicity in setting JFK up for the hit."

"Two agents assigned to the limousine were left behind at Love Field. The flat-bed truck for reporters that should have preceded the limo was cancelled."

"The motorcycle escort was cut down to four and was instructed not to ride ahead of the rear wheels."

"Open windows were not covered. The manhole covers were not welded, and the crowd was allowed to spill into the street."

"…Vehicles were in the wrong order, with (Kennedy's) Lincoln first, when it should have been in the middle."

"This was such a blatant violation of protocol that any security expert would have detected it."

The Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) destroyed the Presidential Protection Records. It did so to eliminate important evidence.

Kennedy's route was changed days before he arrived. Included was a strictly prohibited 90 degree turn.

After gunfire struck him, driver William Greer pulled to the left. He stopped the vehicle.

"At Parkland Hospital, (Secret Service) agents got a bucket of water and a sponge, and washed brains and blood from the crime scene."

Kennedy's "limousine was taken back to Ford. (It) was stripped to bare metal and rebuilt."

Doing so destroyed important evidence. It included the windshield. It had "a through-and-through bullet hole."

Kennedy was shot from in front and behind. He was struck four times.

The Warren Commission claimed he was hit twice. The Commission claimed the bullet striking Kennedy in the back passed through his neck, then exited from his throat.

It struck Governor Connally. It shattered a rib. It damaged his right wrist. It embedded itself in his left thigh.

Fetzer called this explanation "a most unlikely scenario that is known as the 'magic bullet' theory."

To make it remotely plausible, Commission member (then Congressman) Gerald Ford "had the description of the wound to the back changed from 'his uppermost back.' "

The weapon Oswald was accused of firing couldn't have killed Kennedy. His death certificate and autopsy said high-velocity bullets above 2,600 fps killed him.

Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano rifle had a muzzle velocity of 2,000 fps.

Even with a more powerful weapon, "the shots themselves were highly improbable," said Fetzer.

"(T)he simple expedient of locating where the bullet hit JFK’s back is enough to establish the existence of a conspiracy has not inhibited those who want to obfuscate the facts."

Pseudo-documentaries air on TV. They obscure what happened. They hide vital truths.

They stick to the long ago discredited lone gunman explanation. "Authentic evidence, once separated from (fabrications), refutes it," said Fetzer.

"The demise of the 'magic bullet' (theory) alone establishes conspiracy."

"Creating a false photographic record of the assassination was crucial to the cover-up."

"As much thought was given to concealing the truth from the public as was given to executing the assassination itself."

"By removing some events and adding others, the home movie known as the Zapruder film became the backbone of the cover-up."

"As long as it was taken to be authentic, it would be impossible to reconstruct the crime."

Much has been written about Kennedy. James Douglas contributed some of the best. His book titled "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters" debunked mainstream myths and much more.

He showed how Kennedy threatened the military-industrial complex. He had to go. "(T)he CIA's fiingerprints (were) all over the crime and the events leading up to it," said Douglas.

The lone gunman theory long ago lost credibility. A state-sponsored coup eliminated Kennedy. He changed during his time in office. He evolved from cold warrior to peacemaker.

The Bay of Pigs fiasco chastened him. He refused authorizing another attempt to remove Castro.

He supported Palestinian rights. He opposed Israel's nuclear weapons program. He offended energy giants. He wanted the oil depletion allowance cut or eliminated.

RFK waged war on organized crime. JFK's first executive order expanded the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). He was a gradualist on civil rights. He believed integration was morally right.

He favored Federal Reserve reform. His Executive Order 11110 authorized replacing Federal Reserve notes with silver certificates if the occasion arose to do so.

It's believed he ordered Treasury Secretary C. Douglas Dillon to begin issuing United States notes. Perhaps he had in mind replacing Federal Reserve ones altogether. He was assassinated to soon to know.

He deplored the CIA. He fired director Allen Dulles and his deputy General Charles Cabell.

He once said he wanted to "splinter the (agency) into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." It was reason enough to kill him.

He increasingly opposed imperial wars. Initially, he sent troops and advisors to Southeast Asia. He opposed sending more to Laos.

He told his Geneva Conference representative, Averell Harriman:

"Do you understand? I want a negotiated settlement in Laos. I don't want to put troops in."

He opposed deploying nuclear weapons in Berlin. He was against using them in Southeast Asia.

He once called Pentagon generals "crazy" for suggesting it. He refused to attack or invade Cuba during the 1962 missile crisis. He said he "never had the slightest intension of doing so."

He urged abolishing all nuclear weapons. He knew using them is lunacy. He favored general and complete disarmament.

He opposed Pax Americana enforced dominance. He signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty with Soviet Russia.

Weeks before his assassination, he signed National Security Memorandum 263. It called for removing 1,000 US forces from Vietnam by year end. He wanted them all out by December 1965.

He underwent a spiritual transformation. It bears repeating. He switched from cold warrior to peacemaker.

He was at odds with Pentagon commanders, CIA, most congressional members, and nearly all his advisors.

He understood his vulnerability. He paid with his life. He was favored to win reelection. Imagine if he had two full terms.

Imagine a new direction. Imagine deploring war. Imagine turning swords into plowshares.

Imagine a world at peace. Imagine nuclear disarmament. Imagine ending the Cold War a generation earlier.

In June 1956, he addressed Harvard's commencement. He was Massachusetts junior senator at the time.

He ended by quoting an English mother. She wrote the Provost of Harrow saying: "Don't teach my boy poetry. He is going to stand for Parliament."

"Well, perhaps she was right," said Kennedy. "But if more politicians knew poetry, and more poets knew politics, I am convinced the world would be a better place in which to live on this commencement day of 1956."

Killing JFK, RFK, MLK, and Malcom X "decapitat(ed) America's left," said Fetzer. In the 1970s, the nation began shifting right. Progressive charismatic leaders were gone.

None exist today. Their absence is sorely missed. It lets America get away with murder and then some.

Dark forces run things. War on humanity persists. Peacemakers aren't around to stop it. Survival hangs in the balance.

I'll never forget that memorable day or what I was doing when I heard the news. I was at work on lunch break. Everything at work stopped for the rest of the day. We knew nothing then about a state-sponsored assassination. We know plenty now.

A Tribute to President John F. Kennedy

Related Article:

Who killed Kennedy: CIA, LBJ, or the Truly “Unspeakable”?

The Sound of Silence : Arrested Development!

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book is titled "Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity.", Visit his blog site at Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs Fridays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


Video: Is Something About To Happen?


The following video has been popping up around the blogoshpere, which I believe some of you may be interested to watch; so I’m posting it here for your reference.

Quote: “Get This Message Out NOW And Prepare Yourself”

The video is a remix of various recent news and events snippets, all of which have a common theme… that of the increasing police state, impending collapse, and the inference that something is about to happen…

Conspiracy? or Probability…

FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

More motivation to prepare and be prepared?

Yes, I believe so…


Βιοποικιλότητα και Ρατσισμός

Το βίντεο αυτό αποτελεί εργασία φοιτητών για το μάθημα της «Βιοποικιλότητας» του Τμήματος Βιολογίας ΑΠΘ και δίνει μία αυτονόητη απάντηση της επιστήμης για το ρατσισμό.

This video is a students’ project for the course of «Biodiversity» Department of Biology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and gives an obvious answer of science to racism.

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